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Recovering a deleted OneNote Notebook, Section,
Page or OneDrive document.

If you delete a document from OneNote or OneDrive, you have up to 60 days to recover it before it is lost forever. The recovery process is quite straight forward and is detailed below.


  1. Open Chrome and go to

  2. Sign in with your Microsoft 365 user account

  3. Enter the password

  4. At this point It may tell you that extra security information is needed, we would recommend you do this but at this time it is not essential, you can press cancel and go past it

  5. You will now be presented with some App icons, click on the Sharepoint icon

  6. Sharepoint will now open and display your Notebooks as tabs. Click on the Notebook that you need to restore work from

  7. On the left hand side of the screen you will now see a list of options, choose the ‘Recycle bin’ option

  8. In the Recycle bin you will see all of the documents, deleted over the last 60 days

  9. Click the radio button to the left of the document or OneNote item you want to restore and then an additional tab will appear that has a curved arrow and says 'Restore' , click on it.

  10. Go back to your OneNote application and perform a manual sync on the workbook, you do this by right clicking on the work and choosing the sync option.

  11. Once the sync has completed your restored section will reappear

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